miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2022

Use of Basic Shapes

For this assignment we had to design three different monster from basic shapes, a triangle, square and a circle. 

The steps for the process was to use this shapes as a base. I felt it made me think of characters a lot faster and also in the final drawing later.
For triangle I thought of making a type of demon but in the process I ended up making a robot.
For the square turned into a volcano golem. And for the circle made a very chubby lovecraftian creature.

I have never been very confident of my painting skills but feel these came out well with some of the tips that where given for the lighting and shadows plus the brushes.

sábado, 27 de agosto de 2022

Block Sprite Project

For this week's homework we created sprite sheets within UE5 using basic shapes, cubes. And also, a camera sequence. It was so much fun!

Although concepts such as axes, paneling or bevel are not new to me, the two programs we used for the realization were. I had several issues within the EU5 while creating the blueprints where I was getting errors when trying to turn the ship and then realized I had used the 'child actor method' instead of the 'harvest components'. Not remembering some of the hotkeys and copying them to a note, or when the program was closed and had saved the items, but not the level that made me have to start over. But, with all the disasters, I learned a lot.

I don't know why the lighting of the sprite sheet was been oversaturated so in addition to having the light on the top (which lowered the intensity), I added two on the sides so that it wasn't so dark in addition to adding color.

For the designs I decided to go with a 8-bit Ichiban.

I know I only had to do one of the two projects, but I wanted to learn how to do both...Also just wanted to do an X-Wing

viernes, 26 de agosto de 2022

PureRef Inspiration Test


When starting any concept or design is very important to have reference, and what a great tool to use is PureRef. 

One important thing to remember is that a lot of reference does not equal to better, but the best  that suit that concept. So for this I selected a few images with a more round style but with a spooky and dark look.

Final Delivery

 For final delivery I was mainly polishing up the VFX and adjusting the times to fit the final animation. One of the first fix was changing ...